Seemingly unarmoured and unallied, still this traveler seems to have had no difficulties in her journeys through the wildlands. She seeks information on matters not casually revealed, and moves in quiet efficiency. Self-awareness and careful contemplation of her surroundings are all she needs to get by for herself, yet she knows in matters of global concern allegiances must be formed for the good of all.

I waste not actionsNor words. When they are required,Trust me: you will know.

I waste not actions

Nor words. When they are required,

Trust me: you will know.



From a young age, Mana has been trained in the art of moving swiftly with a sharp blade, bleeding enemies half to death before they even realize they've been cut.

Class style: Shukketsu

Deal damage to all enemies in a single blow, with a chance to inflict bleed status.


Out of sight, out of danger.

Class style: Gakure

Discretely eliminate unsuspecting single foes, or vanish from all enemy sights altogether.


Nothing in life ever stands still.

Class style: Kuji-kiri

Attacks are swift and persistent, with the chance to inflict fatal blows.


Master yourself, and mastery over others will follow.

Class style: Shuradou

Drain enemy health over time, or attack multiple times in quick succession.